1.1- Halkapınar Mah. 1203/11 Sk. No: 5-7 Linerora located at the inner Door No:72 (YUNUS EMRE SET),

Address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ

SELLER'S Phone: 0532 763 05 03


                    Tel: +44 203 917 7478

SELLER's e-mail : contact@linerorafurniture.com

SELLER Product Return address: Halkapınar Mah. 1203/11 Sk. Nos. 5-7 Inner Door No.72

Mersis No: 186 836 504 120 00 01

1.2- https://www.linerorafurniture.com internet user who purchases from the website serving from the address (Hereinafter referred to as the ”BUYER".).

BUYER's Name / Surname / Title:

BUYER's Address:




The subject of this Agreement is that the SELLER has https://www.linerorafurniture.com it is the determination of the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502, the Regulation on the Principles and Procedures of Implementing Distance Contracts and the relevant legislation regarding the sale and delivery of the products / products ordered via the Website at the address specified below.


The Type and Type of Products, Quantity, Brand/Model, Color, Sales Price and Delivery Information are as indicated below



Sales Price:

Shipping Fee:

Billing Address:


4.1- The product will be delivered to the BUYER's address by the cargo contracted by the SELLER. After the order is received, the estimated delivery time will be notified by the SELLER. The delivery time is a maximum of thirty (30) days from the sending of the Order confirmation e-mail and the establishment of the Contract.

4.2- The Shipping Fee will be paid by the BUYER unless otherwise committed by the SELLER during the order.

4.3- In the regions where the cargo company makes deliveries one day a week, there may be a delay in the specified delivery time in cases where there are inaccuracies and omissions in the shipment information, in cases that the SELLER cannot prevent for reasons beyond the SELLER's control, such as certain social events and natural disasters. The SELLER cannot be held responsible for these delays. If the product is to be delivered to a person/organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER is not responsible for the failure of the person / organization to accept delivery, inaccuracies in the shipping information and/or the BUYER's absence from the place, situations that may arise and extra shipping costs. If the product/products have not reached the BUYER within the specified days, delivery problems can be addressed to customer service by calling 0532 763 05 03 hotline number or contact@linerorafurniture.com it should be notified immediately by contacting the e-mail address.

4.4- The BUYER is obliged to check that the product he ordered at the time of delivery has been delivered in accordance with his invoice / delivery receipt and to sign the delivery receipt stating that he has received the products and to deliver it to the cargo company officer. Damaged packages should not be delivered and a report should be attached to the Cargo Company official. If the cargo company official believes that the package is not damaged, the BUYER has the obligation to open the package there and check that the products were delivered undamaged and request that the situation be determined with a report again. After the package is received by the BUYER, it is accepted that the cargo company has performed its duty in full. If the damaged package has not been accepted and the minutes have been kept, the situation should be notified to the SELLER in writing as soon as possible along with the copy of the minutes remaining in the BUYER.


5.1- The BUYER has the right to withdraw within 14 (Fourteen) days from the date of delivery of the product subject to the contract to him or to the person / organization at the address indicated. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the SELLER must be notified by the BUYER either by fax, e-mail or telephone during this period and the product must be eligible for return in accordance with the provisions of this article. If this right is exercised, 3. the return of all original copies of the invoice with a sample of the cargo delivery report related to the delivery of the delivered product to the person or BUYER or SELLER is mandatory. The product price will be refunded to the BUYER within 7 days following the receipt of these documents. The shipping cost of the returned product due to the right of withdrawal is covered by the SELLER. Otherwise, the request for the right of withdrawal will be deemed invalid. The BUYER may also exercise the right of withdrawal during the period from the establishment of the contract to the delivery of the goods.

5.2- The following periods are taken as the basis for determining the period of the right of withdrawal;

- In the case of goods that are the subject of a single order and are delivered separately, the consumer or a third party determined by the consumer receives the last goods on the day of delivery,

- For goods consisting of more than one part, the day on which the consumer or a third party determined by the consumer receives the delivery of the last part,

- In contracts where regular delivery of goods is made for a certain period of time, the day on which the consumer or a third party determined by the consumer receives the first delivery of the goods,

5.3- Although the BUYER's return request is received positively, the products that have been used, unpacked or damaged and whose return is not suitable for health and hygiene opening cannot be returned. In this context, shampoo, shower gel, skin and hair care products such as (are not limited to the counted.) returns cannot be made for products whose return is not suitable for health and hygiene. In makeup and skin care products with protective packaging, the refund process cannot be made if the protective tape is opened. In case the products requested to be returned do not meet these conditions, the return approval is cancelled and the products are sent back to the BUYER with the BUYER's Payment by the contracted cargo company.

5.4- In cases where different products are sent to the BUYER from his order or photos or descriptions on the website, the use of the right of withdrawal is subject to the condition that the product's security label has not been opened

5.5- The returned product that reaches the SELLER is considered a refund if the business meets the conditions specified in this agreement, and the refund is paid to the BUYER's credit card/ account. No refund will be made until the product is returned. The reflection period of the refunds made to the Credit Card on the credit card accounts is at the savings of the relevant bank.

5.6- In accordance with the Regulation on Distance Contracts, Article 15 entitled “Exceptions to the Right of Withdrawal”, the Buyer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal in the following cases.

- For goods or services whose price changes depending on fluctuations in financial markets and which are not under the control of the seller or provider,

- In the goods prepared in accordance with the wishes or personal needs of the consumer,

- For the delivery of goods that may deteriorate quickly or whose expiration date may have passed,

- Goods whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after delivery; in products whose return is not suitable for health and hygiene, such as shampoo, shower gel, skin and hair care products,

- For goods that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated due to their nature,

- In case the protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after the delivery of the goods, books, digital content and computer consumables presented in the material environment,

- For the delivery of periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, except for those provided under the subscription agreement,

- In cases of accommodation, transportation of goods, car rental, food and beverage supply and evaluation of leisure time for entertainment or recreation purposes, which must be done on a certain date or period,

- For services performed instantly in electronic environment or for intangible goods delivered instantly to the consumer,

- In the services that are started to be performed with the approval of the consumer before the expiration of the right of withdrawal period.


6.1- THE BUYER pays the basic qualifications of the Product subject to sale, the sales price, including taxes, payment method, delivery conditions and costs, etc. All preliminary information about the product and the exercise of the right of withdrawal and how to use this right, return conditions, official authorities to which they can submit complaints and objections, etc. he accepts and declares that he has clear, understandable and appropriate information about the Internet environment and confirms this preliminary information electronically. The BUYER is deemed to have accepted the provisions of this Agreement as soon as he places the order.

6.2- If the SELLER is unable to fulfill its Contractual obligations if the fulfillment of the Product becomes impossible, it notifies the BUYER of this situation before the expiration of the Contractual fulfillment obligation and may supply a different product of equal quality and price to the BUYER if it is in stock. The SELLER has the right to refuse the order without specifying any reason. If the SELLER is unable to process the order for any reason (for example, problems with pay systems), the BUYER may be informed by phone or e-mail.

6.3- The BUYER agrees, declares and undertakes that he will confirm this Agreement electronically for the delivery of the Product, and that if the Product price is not paid and/or canceled in the bank records for any reason, the SELLER's obligation to deliver the product subject to the Contract will expire.

6.4- The BUYER agrees, declares and undertakes that if the Product price is not paid to the SELLER by the relevant bank or financial institution as a result of unauthorized use of the BUYER's credit card by unauthorized persons after delivery of the Product to the person and/or organization at the address indicated, the BUYER will return the product subject to the Contract to the SELLER within 3 days, the shipping cost will belong to the SELLER.

6.5- The BUYER accepts that the information and contents provided by him (Name, surname, phone number, e-mail, etc.) undertakes that it is accurate, complete and in accordance with the law, does not/will not cause technical and physical damage to the SELLER's Website, does not contradict and violate any laws, regulations and other legislation, does not violate and will not violate the rights of a third party. He accepts, declares and undertakes that he will make the necessary updates in case of changes in his personal data, otherwise the SELLER will not be responsible. The SELLER is not responsible and obliged to investigate the accuracy of the information and content transmitted, uploaded, modified or provided by the BUYER, to undertake and guarantee that this information and content are safe, accurate and in accordance with the law. The BUYER is responsible for all damages that will arise due to incorrect or erroneous information and content provided by the BUYER, and the BUYER agrees, declares and undertakes to compensate all damages that the SELLER will suffer due to the untruthfulness of this information in full and immediately.

6.6- While subscribing to the BUYER's SELLER's Website https://www.linerorafurniture.com personal data from the moment you start using the site by filling out the Membership Form at the address, https://www.linerorafurniture.com as detailed in the Illumination Text, which can be accessed from the address, collecting, saving, editing, categorizing, classifying, storing, updating, correcting, using, analyzing, changing, it will have the right to reorganize and transfer it to third parties located in Turkey and/or abroad, all of which are listed in the Clarification Text, and to process it so that the same goals can be achieved and these goals can be maintained by these people.

6.7- The BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that he is fully responsible for the security, storage, keeping away from the information of third parties and using the username and password he uses to log in to the Website. The SELLER has no responsibility, directly or indirectly, for any damages suffered or may be suffered by him and/or third parties due to all negligence and defects of the BUYER in matters such as username and password security, storage, keeping away from the information of third parties, use.

6.8- The BUYER sends internet, telephone, SMS, letter, e-mail, fax, etc. to him for the purpose of informing him about the issues related to the order. accepts to be accessed through channels. 

6.9- The BUYER agrees and undertakes from the beginning to comply with the provisions of legal legislation and not to violate them when using the SELLER's Website. Otherwise, all civil and criminal obligations that will arise will completely and exclusively bind the BUYER.

6.10- The BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that all civil and criminal liability arising from the transactions performed during the use of the Website, the words, expressions and contents used by him personally belongs to him, that he will be directly and/or indirectly personally responsible for the damages suffered or may be suffered by third parties due to the activities they perform on the Website in violation of the provisions of this Distance Sales Agreement and/or the law, that the SELLER cannot be held responsible in any way. In addition, in such cases, the SELLER reserves the right to stop the BUYER's use of the website and initiate legal proceedings.


 The BUYER agrees that all elements of the SELLER's Website, including but not limited to the design, text, images, html code and other codes, are used under the SELLER's and/or SELLER's license right obtained from a third party, and under no circumstances and conditions may the SELLER's trademark, logo, trade name information be used even for reference and promotional activities without the SELLER's written consent. The BUYER may not engage in attitudes and behaviors that may constitute an infringement of the copyright, trademark or other rights of the SELLER or create unfair competition, or may not conduct advertising activities in violation of the relevant legislation. Otherwise, the BUYER will be responsible for covering all other damages, including, but not limited to, compensation, court costs and attorney's fees faced by the SELLER due to damages suffered by third parties, including, but not limited to, licensors.


 The BUYER may not transfer or assign his obligations, rights and receivables to third parties in whole or in part without the SELLER's prior written consent under this Agreement. Such transfers and assignments shall not give rise to a judgment against the SELLER. The SELLER has the right to partially or completely transfer this Agreement and its Contractual rights and obligations, together with all laws and obligations, to organizations, firms and companies that are its capital subsidiaries, as well as to third parties.



 The BUYER will keep confidential all information that he has acquired in any way related to the SELLER's activities, the articles of this business Agreement, and will not disclose and definitely not use the said information without the SELLER's prior written approval, except in cases deemed necessary in accordance with the mandatory provisions of Turkish law. This obligation of confidentiality will also continue to apply in the event of termination or termination of this Agreement for any reason. The BUYER will compensate the damages incurred by the SELLER in case of non-compliance with this confidentiality obligation.


 The SELLER is not liable for late or incomplete performance or non-performance of any of the obligations set out in this Distance Sales Agreement due to decisions taken by the competent authorities in accordance with laws, regulations, directives and fire, flood, earthquake, landslide, epidemic disease, war, widespread acts of violence (including, but not limited to) outside the control of the Parties. The BUYER cannot make any demands from the SELLER in this case.


If the BUYER violates the provisions of this Agreement, the SELLER may terminate the Agreement on its own initiative and without prior notice, block the BUYER's access to the Website. In this case, the BUYER will be personally liable criminally and legally. The BUYER also agrees to exempt and compensate the SELLER, its subsidiaries and affiliates, the SELLER against any claims, damages, liabilities, claims or expenses that may be put forward by any third party against the SELLER in connection with the illegal use of the Website (including proxy fees).



 All changes to be made in accordance with this Business Agreement will be made at the SELLER's discretion and unilaterally announced on the SELLER's Website.


If a provision of this Agreement is invalid, unlawful or unenforceable under the laws of any jurisdiction, the remaining provisions will remain valid, lawful and enforceable in the relevant jurisdiction and will not be affected by the said provision.   


 The headings in the Agreement have been put in order to facilitate the references and this will not affect the interpretation of the Agreement.


In the implementation of this Agreement, Arbitration Committees for Consumer Issues and Consumer Courts in the BUYER's or SELLER's settlement area are authorized up to the value announced by the Ministry of Customs and Trade. The parties may submit their applications for complaints and objections to the consumer issues arbitration committee or the consumer court at the place where the consumer purchases goods or services or where his/her residence is located within the monetary limits determined by the Ministry of Customs and Trade in December every year.