How can I pay on Linorora
How can I pay on Linorora
Payment methods
We confirm your order after payment is completed. You can choose from the following payment methods You can shop on our website with your Mastercard and Visa Credit Card or Debit Card. You can pay by money order/EFT. An extra 3% discount is provided for your payments via money order or EFT.
Partial payment
At Linorora, you can make partial payments using the following payment options: Payment by cash and credit card. You can pay by money order and credit card. You need to contact us to make a partial payment.
Is it safe to pay by credit card at Linorora?
Thanks to the 3D Secure service and the infrastructure of Masterpass, the world's leading payment systems company, you can shop with peace of mind with our secure payment system. We receive payments through Paratika company, which has 4 certificates, and thus the fees you pay are guaranteed. Before the product reaches you, the money is not transferred to our company's account, it is kept suspended. For payments made with 3D Secure, a special 3D transaction screen provided by the bank opens on the bank and user screens, and a confirmation code is sent via SMS to the mobile phone of the credit card holder from whom the purchase was made. In payment transactions made in this way, the bank takes all responsibility in any negative situation.
How can I pay via Money Order/EFT in Linorora?
How can I pay via Money Order/EFT at Linorora? For payment received via money order/EFT, your order will be confirmed within 2 business days at most. When paying by money order/EFT, you must write your order number in the description section. If you pay via ATM, you must provide us with the following information after making the payment in order for your order to be confirmed. Customer name Bank name from which the transfer was made Payment amount You can find our account numbers in the table below. THERE IS AN EXTRA 3% DISCOUNT FOR TRANSACTIONS MADE BY MONEY ORDER/EFT. PLEASE CALL OR SEND A MESSAGE TO OUR CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVE BEFORE MAKING A TRANSFER/EFT. BUYER NAME: YUNUS EMRE SET IBAN NUMBER: TR13 0006 2001 0400 0006 2964 07 BANK NAME: Garanti